As we look forward to the reopening of Annawan CUSD 226, we know many community members are willing to help facilitate the safe operation of our school. While the school has plans for cleaning, sanitizing, and safety, there are items community members can donate to supplement our efforts. You may drop them off at either the high school or grade school offices.
If you would like to help, please consider donating the following specific items:
Bottles of hand sanitizer.
Clorox wipes
Disposable masks
Homemade masks
Boxes of new pencils (to avoid borrowing among students.)*
The district is in need of substitute teachers willing to work this school year.. Call the Regional Office of Education for more details on certification and associated fees (309) 936-7890. There are three routes to qualify as a substitute in Illinois
Hold a Bachelor’s degree in any subject area and obtain a substitute teacher license.
Have completed 60 hours of college coursework or an associates degree and apply for a short term sub certificate.
Hold a high school diploma and obtain a paraprofessional license which will also allow you to work as a classroom aide.
Currently the rules for this license are
“Individuals who hold a high school diploma will be eligible for a short-term approval endorsed for a paraprofessional educator (ELS-PARA). Before the validity period of this approval expires, the educator must pass the paraprofessional competency test and apply for the ELS-PARA. Doing so will allow the educator to receive the Educator License with Stipulations endorsed for Paraprofessional which is required to continue to work as a paraprofessional. Educators can apply for the approval in their ELIS accounts. The short term approval is not renewable and requires a $50 application fee. This short term approval is valid for 3 years.”