Congratulations to our October and November Staff of the Month winners!
Our October winner was Rod Jackson! Rod was nominated by Sandy Crosby for all of the extra work that he put into getting the field and school ready for Homecoming Week. Rod will be receiving a gift card to a business of his choice in the Annawan School District.
Also, congratulations to Mrs. Gretchen Olson! Mrs. Olson was October's Scoop at the Coop winner. She will be receiving a free cup of her favorite ice cream from Paxton's Corner Coop.
November Staff of the Month Winner:
Congratulations to this month's Staff of the Month winner, Chris DeMay! Chris was nominated by Sandy Crosby for always going above and beyond and helping out when needed. Chris will be receiving a $50 gift card to a business of her choice in the Annawan School District.
Also, congratulations to our nurse, Lynn VanHyfte! Lynn is this month's Scoop at the Coop winner. She will be receiving a free scoop of ice cream from Paxton's Corner Coop.
Congratulations to these wonderful staff members!